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    Im Fokus: Insight’s Global Credit Strategy

    Im Fokus: Insight’s Global Credit Strategy

    Warum globale Unternehmensanleihen?
    Steigende Renditen und eine zunehmende Streuung der Spreads haben attraktive Chancen eröffnet

    Dank substanziell höherer Kupons winken Anlegern erstmals seit über einem Jahrzehnt interessante Renditen.1

    Merkmale der globalen Kreditmärkte, die verlockende Möglichkeiten eröffnen:

    Warum Insight für globale Unternehmensanleihen?


    Entscheidungen über einzelne Emittenten und ihre Kreditwürdigkeit, nicht über die Zinsen, haben maßgeblich zur Outperformance der Strategie seit dem Start im Jahr 2011 beigetragen.

    Unser Team kann an seinen weltweiten Standorten bei der Suche nach dem besseren Relative-Value aus einem breiten Spektrum von Titeln wählen. Unbeabsichtigte Über- oder Untergewichtungen einzelner Regionen können dadurch vermieden werden.

    Angestrebt wird eine überdurchschnittliche Performance durch Anlagen in Investment-Grade-Anleihen. Unser Ziel ist eine insgesamt hohe Kreditqualität des Portfolios. Positionen in risikoreicheren Marktsegmenten werden nur behutsam und streng kontrolliert eingegangen.

    Ein konsistenter Prozess, der langfristige Renditen generiert:

    Kein einziger Zahlungsausfall seit Auflegung der Strategie

    Dank gründlicher Kreditanalysen, einer Checkliste für versteckte Ausfallkandidaten und unseres Units-of-Risk-Mechanismus konnten wir alle 17 Zahlungsausfälle, die sich seit 2011 ereignet haben, vermeiden.6

      Insight Defaults Moody's Defaults
    2011-2019 0 11
    2020 0 1
    2021 0 0
    2022 0 3
    2023 0 2
    2024 0 0
    Total 0 17

    Lernen Sie einige Teammitglieder kennen

    Adam Whiteley, CFA

    Head of Global Credit

    Adam Whiteley, CFA

    Head of Global Credit

    Adam joined Insight in September 2007 as a Credit Analyst in the Fixed Income Group before becoming a Credit Portfolio Manager at the end of 2008 and in 2022 was promoted to Head of Global Credit. He is lead manager for global and multi-sector credit strategies as well as being a core part of the team, managing global aggregate strategies. Adam graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree in Economics from Nottingham University. He holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and is also a CFA charterholder.

    Shaun Casey, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Shaun Casey, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Shaun joined Insight’s Fixed Income Group in September 2014 as part of the Global Credit Team where his responsibilities included involvement with the Bonds Plus strategy for which he is now the main support on credit positioning. Shaun graduated with a BSc in Economics from the University of Bath, holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and is also a CFA charterholder.

    Nathaniel Hyde, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Nathaniel Hyde, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Nate joined Insight in September 2021 following the transition of Mellon Investments’ fixed income strategies to Insight. He has been in the investment industry since 2006 and joined Mellon Investments in the same year. Initially, he served as a sovereign analyst contributing to interest rate and currency strategy for global and emerging market portfolios. Today, he is a portfolio manager on the Global Fixed Income Team where he specializes in local and hard currency emerging market debt. Nate earned a BA from Bowdoin College. He is a CFA charterholder and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Boston.

    David Averre

    Head of Credit Analysis

    David Averre

    Head of Credit Analysis

    David joined Insight in May 2005 as a senior credit analyst within the Fixed Income Group and since July 2007 has been responsible for Insight’s credit research capability. He was previously with WestLB for eight years as a senior corporate analyst within their Fixed Income Group supporting trading, sales and origination. His main focus was within the telecom industry sector. Prior to this, he was an analyst and assistant marketing officer at Bank of Tokyo–Mitsubishi where he was responsible for developing the bank’s portfolio of telecom structured finance investment. David holds a BSc (Hons) in Engineering with Business Studies from Warwick University.

    David Hamilton, CFA

    Head of Credit Analysis, North America

    David Hamilton, CFA

    Head of Credit Analysis, North America

    David joined the Fixed Income Group at Insight in July 2014 and is the Head of Credit Analysis, North America. He has oversight of the corporate credit team based in the US and predominantly focuses on the coverage of consumer cyclical and consumer non-cyclical sectors in the US. Prior to Insight, David spent 15 years at Delaware Investments, where he held various roles, latterly as a fixed income senior credit analyst. David graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with a BS degree in Business Administration in 1999. David maintains the Series 7 license with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and is a CFA charterholder.

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