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    Municipal bonds: untapped potential in ESG strategies

    Municipal bonds: untapped potential in ESG strategies

    16 December 2022 Responsible investment, Fixed income
    Municipal bond investments offer opportunities for investors considering ESG factors.

    Executive summary

    • The US municipal debt market is traditionally seen as a ‘safe haven’ of the fixed income market, owing to strong credit profiles and lower investment risks
    • ESG-related credit risks leading to material financial decline for municipal bond issuers are rare, but expected to rise in the future, in part driven by increasing exposure to the physical risks of climate change in many regions
    • Munis could have a significant role to play in financing climate change adaption, which has historically received lower flows of investment than mitigation
    • Beyond climate, many issuers also play a key role in driving positive social outcomes across areas such as healthcare and education
    • Growth of the labelled impact bond market has increased sharply, but its overall size remains small compared to other asset classes 
    • Granular, issuer-level analysis of ESG risks and impact can support credible integration of muni bonds into ESG strategies

    Quick guide to US Municipal bonds

    US municipal bonds, also known as muni bonds or munis, are bonds issued by US states, cities or local government bodies. They can take the form of general obligation (GO) bonds, funded via tax revenues, or revenue bonds, secured by an income stream from a specific local infrastructure asset. Historically, this has meant that default rates have been low, making munis an attractive investment for risk averse investors, and a way to diversify away from corporate bond holdings.

    The majority of municipal bonds are issued in a format that exempts the holder from US federal income tax, and potentially local state taxes – a significant benefit for many US-domiciled citizens and corporates. However, there is a growing section of the municipal bond market that is issued in a fully taxable format – by issuing fully taxable debt, the issuer has greater flexibility on how they can use the proceeds. Taxable municipal bonds generally trade with a higher gross yield than their tax-exempt counterparts, and this has led to an increase in demand from non-US investors.

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