
    Prime ratings aim to highlight key ESG risks and opportunities based on extensive global data and qualitative research

    About Prime

    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks can have a clear impact on the financial performance of an investment. Information on material ESG risks can therefore be crucial for effective investment decisions.

    This led us to apply our years of experience in analysing ESG risks to create proprietary ratings based on data from multiple inputs, adjusted using our in-house expertise, to generate ESG ratings that more accurately and reliably reflect the risks that companies and countries face.

    To help our clients seeking to invest in line with net-zero goals, Insight created the Prime net zero ratings for corporates to categorise corporate issuers according to the extent of their commitment to and alignment with achieving net zero by 2050.

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    After more than a decade of analysing ESG risks, we are very aware of the importance of sustainability information when it comes to achieving financial outcomes.

    This led us to ask how we could apply our expertise and knowledge to develop a fixed income solution. The result is Prime – a solid foundation that we believe can help our portfolio managers and analysts make better decisions for targeted asset classes and strategies, and helps our clients understand more about relevant portfolios and the risks they are exposed to.


    After more than a decade of analysing ESG risks across our portfolios, we are very aware of the importance of sustainability information when it comes to achieving financial outcomes.

    This led us to ask how we could apply our expertise and knowledge to develop a fixed income solution. The result is Prime – a solid foundation that we believe helps our portfolio managers and analysts make better decisions, and helps our clients understand more about their portfolios and the risks they are exposed to.

    Adrian Grey, Global CIO

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