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    Diversity, equity and inclusion

    Diversity, equity and inclusion

    Insight is a place where everyone is encouraged to share their views. 

    In a performance-driven business like ours, a culture of inclusion has been, and continues to be, critical to Insight’s success. Ensuring our people have the confidence to speak up, share their ideas, be heard and contribute to problem solving is at the core of how we add value to our clients.

    Our goal is to ensure everyone at Insight is part of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ( DEI) Programme. In recent years we have taken steps to broaden the diversity of the Insight team and this is showing up in our recruitment data. We also recognise societal inequities that make it more challenging for talented people from under-represented or minority groups and those from more disadvantaged backgrounds to break into our industry. We are taking steps through our external partnerships and recruitment processes to help address this issue.

    Our DEI strategy emphasises three focus areas: Our People, Our Culture and Our Reputation. Our activities seek to attract, retain and engage a diverse workforce and are supported by appropriate training and effective governance. As responsible stewards of society’s savings, we also view the communities in which we operate as stakeholders in our business and believe we have responsibilities to them and the world more broadly.


    Read Insight’s overarching mission statement here

    We believe that well integrated, diverse teams deliver better outcomes. Our mission is to ensure that Insight continues to cultivate our culture of inclusion where people with different perspectives and backgrounds can thrive and collaborate.

    DE&I Mission Statement, Insight Investment

    What our people say


    of colleagues believe Insight sets high standards of performance1


    of colleagues are proud to tell others they work for Insight1


    of colleagues would recommend Insight as a place to work1


    of colleagues agree that managers are good at promoting teamwork and collaboration1

    How we encourage colleagues to get involved
    Our affinity groups are an important part of our agenda to engage colleagues from across the firm in our diversity and inclusion ambitions.

    The seven that have been established to date focus on areas of diversity that we regard as a high priority and each group benefits from the sponsorship of a member of Insight’s executive management committee. Colleagues are encouraged to join and support one or more of the groups. 

    1. Women at Insight – supporting women at every stage of their career by providing opportunities for personal and professional development and raising awareness of the unique issues that female professionals face at different stages of their careers.
    2. Multigenerational Insight – promoting a non-hierarchical culture where all generations can connect and learn from one another.
    3. Multicultural Insight – ensuring that our culture is informed and inspired by the mix of people within our broader community.
    4. InsightABILITY – raising awareness of the challenges faced by employees with seen and unseen disabilities and helping leverage the talent of employees with diverse abilities by building an inclusive and accessible environment.
    5. OUTsight – promoting an environment where LGBT+ people are valued and can unlock their full passion and potential.
    6. Veterans at Insight – providing a support network for employees who are veterans, reservists or supporters of the military family.
    7. Socio-Economic Mobility – raising awareness of issues that people might encounter in accessing and progressing through the workplace. 

    Colleagues in each group work together, for example in organising events, taking advantage of opportunities that arise from our external partnerships and in providing mentoring and other forms of support. The initiative also provides a leadership opportunity for individuals happy to put themselves forward as representatives of their respective groups.

    In addition to our affinity groups, all Insight colleagues are encouraged to participate in, the employee resource groups (ERGs) operated by our parent, BNY. As ERG members, employees increase their visibility inside and outside of their respective business units and help ensure our differences contribute to the success of the company.

    BNY sponsors the following Employee Resource Groups:


    Sharing the knowledge capital, energy and range of talents within its diverse, multigenerational workforce to solve business problems. Learn more

    Increasing awareness and education around the needs of people with disabilities. Learn more

    Providing a resource for the recruitment, retention, professional development and advancement of multicultural employees. Learn more


    Fostering an open and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and ally employees (LGBTQA). Learn more

    A resource for the recruitment, retention, professional development and advancement of military members as they transition to new careers and civilian life. Learn more

    Promoting a culture of leadership and sponsorship to recognize and support the professional development and advancement of our women. Learn more

    Our Partners

    Our work with external partners helps us to address the societal inequities that can make it more challenging for talented people from disadvantaged backgrounds to break into our industry.


    Insight is partnered with the Diversity Project – a cross-company initiative championing a more inclusive culture within our industry. The aim of the Diversity Project is to create a truly diverse and inclusive UK investment and savings industry. Insight signed up to work towards the project’s 10 standards and colleagues were invited to volunteer to join associated workstreams focusing on gender, LGBT+, early careers, ethnicity, social mobility, returners, SMART working, disability and mental health.


    BNY is a signatory of the UK Treasury Women in Finance Charter which Insight embraces. Through this, we are committed to supporting the progression of women into senior roles by focusing on our executive and mid-level pipelines.

    30 club.png

    BNY is a member of the 30% Club, a campaign established in 2010 to boost the number of women in board seats and executive leadership all over the world. The Club’s goal is to deliver at least 30% female representation on company boards and executive committees. This aspiration informs Insight’s targets for female representation at senior levels of the firm. We additionally participate in the 30% Club’s cross company mentoring scheme where high potential female executives are mentored by senior executives from other firms, and senior executives from Insight mentor high potential women from other organisations. Through this we help strengthen the pipeline of senior women at both Insight and across industry.


    People who identify as LGBT+ can face unique challenges when it comes to being themselves at work.  Alongside BNY, one of the ways in which Insight supports LGBT+ colleagues is as a member of LGBT Great. We pride ourselves on being inclusive. Our view is that all colleagues should feel able to be open about all aspects of their lives while contributing to our high-performance culture, regardless of their identity.


    Insight has adopted the voluntary CFA Institute Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Code for Investment Professionals in the United States and Canada. Signatories commit to six Principles related to talent pipeline, staff acquisition, promotion and retention, leadership, influence, and measurement.

    How our approach to recruitment supports our DEI aspirations

    No gender, ethnicity, or other social group has a monopoly on good ideas and talent. When recruiting we cast the net wide to attract the very best people from the broadest demographics and backgrounds possible. Hiring diverse talent into our inclusive and collaborative culture enables us to achieve a significant competitive advantage through our people.

    When working with recruitment agencies and search firms, we stipulate at the outset that we require them to look broadly for talent and provide a diverse slate of candidates for us to consider.

    When scoping the role profile for a job, our Talent Acquisition Team works closely with hiring managers to describe the critical skills required for success, using terms that do not favour particular demographic groups.

    Our interviewers are trained to use structured questions as a way of gathering evidence about a candidate’s competence in areas critical to success in the role. We also provide evaluation tools and frameworks that enable interviewers to objectively evaluate the interview data they collect.

    Typically, a number of Insight colleagues will meet 1:1 with candidates to conduct their evaluation. Here again we ensure the interviewer panel is diverse.

    Finally, when arriving at a decision, the perspectives of all interviewers are aggregated to form an overall evaluation of the candidates. By using the methodical and robust process we are able to minimise the influence of unconscious bias over the selection process.

    Our gender pay gap and what we are doing about it

    The UK government equalities office has introduced legislation which requires employers with 250 or more UK employees to publish information in respect of their gender pay gap.

    The 2024 Gender Pay Gap report can be found here.

    Measuring a gender pay gap is not the same as measuring equal pay. The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between the average earnings of men and women. Equal pay means being paid the same for the same or similar work. Insight conducts ongoing and consistent reviews of pay levels across all comparable roles in the organisation to ensure men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs with similar levels of experience and skill.

    Here are some initiatives designed to increase female representation across our business:

    We challenge our recruitment partners to produce balanced shortlists to enable talented female candidates to join us at all levels of our business. This includes sponsoring recruitment events which aim to encourage women into asset management.

    We also encourage a diverse mix of graduates to apply to our rotational programme.

    We offer a maternity coaching programme and family friendly policies to encourage and support our employees at all stages of their lives.

    The Women at Insight affinity group supports inclusion and encourages awareness of gender related issues.

    Insight’s inclusive culture provides every individual with the opportunity to successfully grow their career.

    Insight encourages internal mobility. Roles are advertised internally and opportunities for promotion are reviewed and approved at regular intervals.

    Insight supports professional development and offers a wide range of training activities including a management development programme.

    Our managers are invited to attend inclusive leadership training which focuses on alleviating bias from our culture and fostering an open environment.

    Insight offers a hybrid working model to help our people find a better balance between their work and home lives. We believe that this model, which is comprised of three days working from the office and two days working from home, will support our efforts to be an inclusive organisation that can attract and retain diverse talent. In addition, our Insight Extended Remote Working Programme allows our people to work entirely remotely from home or another location for up to two weeks annually. For example, this could be time working from home during school holidays or as an extension to a family trip.

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