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    Responsible Horizons

    Responsible Horizons

    Insight’s Responsible Horizons strategies are specifically designed for investors seeking responsible investment outcomes.

    A leader in responsible investment and fixed income


    Founding signatory to PRI1


    Insight’s ranking among UK investment consultants for Fixed Income Overall Quality2


    Investment professionals in Insight’s Fixed Income Group3


    strategies in the Responsible Horizons range3

    How Insight invests responsibly

    Insight’s mission is to offer investors a different approach to achieving their investment goals; one that prioritises the certainty of meeting their chosen objectives in contrast to the traditional focus on maximising return and minimising volatility.

    We believe ESG risks can introduce additional uncertainty for investment strategies. As a result, integrating ESG issues into our investment processes, and in our dialogue with issuers and other stakeholders, can in our view have the potential to help our clients achieve their desired outcomes.


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    Insight was a founding signatory to the UN-supported PRI in 2006. We are committed to strive for transparency around our approach to responsible investment issues: we are a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code, the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative and the UN Global Compact, and are a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

    The Responsible Horizons strategies build on this commitment. Our ambition for the Responsible Horizons range is to create an industry-leading range of ESG portfolios for clients that wish to place sustainability considerations at the heart of their investment allocations.

    Investors face a wide variety of terms relating to responsible investment and ESG factors, some without a standard definition. To help investors, our responsible investment glossary defines a range of key terms and initiatives.

    More details on issues related to responsible investment, including regular market insights, views from industry experts and information on Insight’s approach, are available on our responsible investment microsite.

    Responsible Horizons strategy criteria
    The Responsible Horizons strategy range aims to help investors achieve two key goals: an investment portfolio that aligns with both future financial targets and sustainability goals. Click on each number to learn more:

    The Responsible Horizons Euro Corporate Bond, Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond, Responsible Horizons Multi-Sector Credit and Responsible Horizons Strategic Bond strategies now embed a net-zero by 2050 target. These changes include:

    • a minimum allocation to companies that are at least committed to achieving a net-zero target, with this minimum allocation increasing over time; and
    • a carbon intensity level below a set amount (either a specified level or a benchmark, depending on the strategy), which will decline over time.

    Investors in a specific strategy should consult the relevant documents for details of these changes.

    Investment approach
    We outline the investment approach common to the Responsible Horizons strategies in four simple steps:
    Overview of our responsible investment capabilities

    Insight’s extensive experience and expertise in responsible investment, in-depth data and analysis, and proactive engagement with issuers all play an integral role in the management of the Responsible Horizons strategies.

    Insight's approach to impact bonds
    Insight seeks to assess impact bonds – such as green bonds – to ensure they meet our requirements.
    In-depth data and analysis

    Prime: the ESG ratings supporting Responsible Horizons

    • Prime corporate ESG ratings: These cover over 3,1003 investment grade, high yield and emerging market issuers.
    • Prime climate risk ratings: These cover c. 9,5003 companies, and rate issuers by both their physical and transition risks with regard to climate change.
    • Prime sovereign risk and impact ratings: These cover over 1263 countries’ sustainability performance, with separate ratings seeking to highlight their ESG risks and their alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    More information on the Prime ratings is available here.



    Proactive engagement on ESG issues

    We believe exclusions alone are not necessarily enough to pursue the best possible outcomes for investors, and this drives us to focus on engagement with issuers, which may occur through direct dialogue, group meetings, collaborative initiatives and via our counterparties.

    Three reasons for engagement with issuers

    • To manage and understand ESG risks
    • To hold issuers to account
    • To achieve positive change

    Our strategies: in depth

    Meet some of our team

    Robert Sawbridge, CFA

    Head of Responsible Investment

    Robert Sawbridge, CFA

    Head of Responsible Investment

    Robert is responsible for overseeing the responsible investment programme at Insight across all asset classes and investment teams. He joined Insight in 2008 and has held numerous roles across Insight’s investment teams including solutions design, credit analysis and portfolio management. Most recently, he was the manager of our flagship Euro sustainable strategy before being appointed Head of Responsible Investment Solutions in 2020 and Head of Responsible Investment in 2022. Robert graduated with a BA (Hons) in Modern History from Oxford University and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics. He also holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and is a CFA charterholder.

    Fabien Collado, CFA

    ESG Portfolio Manager

    Fabien Collado, CFA

    ESG Portfolio Manager

    Fabien joined Insight’s Fixed Income Group in August 2021, as an ESG Portfolio Manager. Prior to joining Insight, he spent almost 12 years at AXA Investment Managers, initially as a portfolio engineer. He was then an active fixed income fund manager focussing on euro credit strategies. Latterly, he was a global buy and maintain fund manager, with an ESG focus. Fabien graduated with a Masters degree in Finance from IÉSEG School of Management. He is also a CFA charterholder.

    Adam Whiteley, CFA

    Head of Global Credit

    Adam Whiteley, CFA

    Head of Global Credit

    Adam joined Insight in September 2007 as a Credit Analyst in the Fixed Income Group before becoming a Credit Portfolio Manager at the end of 2008 and in 2022 was promoted to Head of Global Credit. He is lead manager for global and multi-sector credit strategies as well as being a core part of the team, managing global aggregate strategies. Adam graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree in Economics from Nottingham University. He holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and is also a CFA charterholder.

    Damien Hill, CFA

    Senior Portfolio Manager

    Damien Hill, CFA

    Senior Portfolio Manager

    Damien joined Insight in October 2006. Within the Fixed Income Group, he initially joined the Currency Desk before moving to the Credit Analysis Team in January 2008. Damien joined the European Fixed Income Team in March 2011 as a dedicated credit portfolio manager. Damien graduated with a BSc honours degree in Economics and Finance from Bristol University and holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and is a CFA charterholder.

    Rodica Glavan

    Head of Emerging Market Corporate Fixed Income

    Rodica Glavan

    Head of Emerging Market Corporate Fixed Income

    Rodica is Head of Emerging Market Corporate Fixed Income. She is lead portfolio manager for Insight’s flagship emerging market corporate and emerging market corporate high yield strategies. Rodica joined Insight as an emerging market debt portfolio manager in December 2006. Prior to Insight, Rodica worked at Schroders, London, managing emerging markets for their global portfolios. She began her career in 1999 as an emerging market sovereign analyst at Schroders, New York. Rodica holds a BBA degree in Economics and Finance from University of Alaska Anchorage, USA. She also holds the Investment Management Certificate from the CFA Society of the UK and speaks four languages.

    Lutz Engberding, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Lutz Engberding, CFA

    Portfolio Manager

    Lutz joined Insight in 2011. He worked as a Fixed Income Product Specialist before joining the European Fixed Income Team in February 2017. Lutz began his career in 2008 as an analyst at Merrill Lynch working in the fixed income department. He holds an MA in Economics from Homerton College, Cambridge and is a CFA charterholder.

    Sheena Schyma

    ESG Investment Specialist

    Sheena Schyma

    ESG Investment Specialist

    Sheena is an ESG Investment Specialist within Insight’s Client Solutions Group. She joined Insight in June 2023 from BlackRock, where she spent over a decade in numerous roles as Deputy Chief Operating Officer for the Sustainable Investing Team, in strategy and reporting for Sustainable Investing and Corporate Sustainability, business management and product-capital markets tax in Finance. Prior to BlackRock, Sheena was a tax consultant at EY for six years. Sheena graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Geography from University College London and holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business from the University of Cambridge. She is currently pursuing a part-time Masters in Sustainability Leadership from the University of Cambridge. Sheena is a chartered accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (ICAS) and holds the CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing.

    Rhona Cormack

    Senior Stewardship Analyst

    Rhona Cormack

    Senior Stewardship Analyst

    Rhona joined the Responsible Investment Team within the Fixed Income Group in November 2021 and is responsible for leading Insight’s ESG engagement activities. She focuses on researching and delivering Insight’s engagement themes, with her areas of expertise including climate change and diversity and inclusion. Prior to joining Insight, Rhona had over six years’ experience in sustainability and climate change consulting, focusing on strategy and reporting advisory services. Rhona holds an MSc in Sustainability and a BA in Geography from the University of Leeds.

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